Yosemite National Park: Bicycling to the Beauty of Mirror Lake
May 20, 2021
Lassen Volcanic National Park
May 26, 2021
Yosemite National Park: Bicycling to the Beauty of Mirror Lake
May 20, 2021
Lassen Volcanic National Park
May 26, 2021

Yosemite National Park: Wapama Falls

QUESTION: What trails do you hit whenever visiting Yosemite Valley?

Mention @JustWanderMaya and hashtag your photo with #JustWanderWithUs


Sunny mid 60s around 10:10am but warmed up to 87F by 3PM


According to AllTrails 4.6 miles (out & back). I clocked about ~13,587 steps on this hike.


Off Evergreen Rd.


Flushable Restroom

One last waterfall hike, before leaving the Yosemite National Park area, to witness Hetch Hetchy area’s version of Bridalveil Fall as Wapama Falls plummet 1,400 feet down granite cliffs. Old photos of Hetch Hetchy Valley before it got flooded from the O’Shaughnessy Dam in 1911, will remind you of Yosemite Valley. Kolana Rock is reminiscent of Yosemite’s El Capitan.

Begin by hiking across O'Shaughnessy Dam.

We have here eight miles of protected waters where boating and swimming are not permitted.

On the left of the dam, water spills downstream into the Touloumne River with views of Poopenaut Valley.

Pass through a tunnel.. watch out for puddles.

A few pictures of what you will see along the trail.

Is this what pine sap looks like…?

With all the wildflowers out there were such a variety of butterflies around… was able to capture the California Sister Butterfly and Edith’s Checkerspot Butterfly. In a shaded, rocky and bushy area of the trail we noticed some movement. In further inspection… eek… it was a scary but thank goodness nonvenomous Western Racer snake.

We felt like we’ve gotten pretty far in this picture looking back at where we started at the dam (~0.9 miles from our parking spot). But I guess both of us were still unknowingly exhausted from our Vernal Fall hike a few days earlier.

🎵 I Saw the Sign 🎵 and it says 1.6 miles to go. Let me tell ya, although there has been ~200-ft elevation gain the hike seemed longer. “Maybe the little shade and wearing jeans didn’t help,” my headspace talking. Probably my body’s fatigue from previous activity in Yosemite Valley.

Getting closer views of Kolana Rock.

Could be a nice spot to take a rest but it had no shade so we keep moving.

No trickle coming down from Tueeulala Falls as I cross the footbridge. Must’ve been a low snow season because "...In most years the falls are dry by July and have been known to flow through July during years with exceptional heavy snow." –World Waterfall Database

Here come some switchbacks.

We made it to the footbridge beneath Wapama Falls!!!

Scrambling and bouldering cautiously to get different perspectives of the area.

Take your time here. Breathe it all in before heading back.

The Return Trip starts with the stone steps back uphill.

Passed this small fall earlier and early on along the trail. On the way back, we stopped here when the heat got to us. Splashed our head, neck and face. It was a welcoming section of the return trip and so refreshing.

Bill’s last rest on the return trip.

3PM Success! Time for a descent brunch and could we squeeze in a nap?! Lol...

On This Day in History