Travel Light: But Which Carry-On Bag?
September 29, 2013
VIDEO: Steve Irwin Impersonator at Hanauma Bay (Oahu)
October 21, 2013
Travel Light: But Which Carry-On Bag?
September 29, 2013
VIDEO: Steve Irwin Impersonator at Hanauma Bay (Oahu)
October 21, 2013

Travel Immunizations for South Africa

Featured Photo Credit: Anna Shevets

QUESTION: Where did you travel to and had to get additional immunization shots?

Mention @JustWanderMaya and hashtag your photo with #JustWanderWithUs

With plans to travel to (a) Johannesburg, South Africa (b) Victoria Falls, at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe and (c) Kruger National Park, South Africa it's important to learn what immunizations are recommended and required for travel... even more than 6 months ahead of your trip. DOWNLOAD THIS: International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers - World Immunization Chart.

Travel Immunizations for South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia

You can also contact your Healthcare Provider and speak with their Travel Clinic for their recommendation(s), as well.


  • Yellow Fever *vaccination certificate as proof

Recommended Vaccinations:

  • HepA
  • HepB
  • Tetanus-Diptheria
  • Polio
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Influenza
  • Typhoid Fever

There are additional recommendations for infants, those over 65+ years, or those on specific working assignments according to IAMAT.org

Then there's the Malaria (ATOVAQUONE/PROGUANIL - ORAL (Malarone)) pills for mosquitos!!! You take it a day before you arrive in a Malaria Zone, Daily and 7 days after you leave. Hope we don't vomit every day while on the trip. I've heard horror stories about the side effects of Malarone pills.

Bill's already had two(2) doctor's visits: 5 shots total. His yellow fever shot was given in an unusual spot. I've never had a shot there. He said it didn't hurt.

The Yellow Fever Card is required in your travels so keep it in a safe place at all times.

South Africa: Required - Yellow Fever Card

I'm next to get my shots but without insurance and a job with medical benefits, we had to research the costs for immunization.

Budget for these Immunizations and Additional Medications

Sometimes these travel shots are not covered by your Healthcare Provider.

  • 30 Day Supply of Malaria Pills would've been $215.00 but with insurance, our co-pay was only $30.00
  • Ciprofloxacin (for diarrhea relief): 12 tablets which is good for 2 treatments was $8.00
  • Vivotif Berna Vaccine - pills for Typhoid: $44.85/co-pay or uninsured ~$89.00
  • Yellow Fever shot $110.00 - $122.00
  • HepA ~$71.00
  • HepB ~$55.00
  • Twinrix (HepA + HepB) ~$100.00
  • Influenza (Flu shot) ~15.00
  • Tetanus/Diptheria ~48.00
  • TdaP (Td & Pertussis) ~50.00

Sounds like if you travel to Africa, you're body is prepared for any country from Asia to South America!

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