Port Excursion: Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens (Soufriere Estate, St. Lucia)
April 13, 2018
First Time: Spotted a Cuttlefish while Snorkeling in St Lucia
April 13, 2018
Port Excursion: Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens (Soufriere Estate, St. Lucia)
April 13, 2018
First Time: Spotted a Cuttlefish while Snorkeling in St Lucia
April 13, 2018

Stick-in-the-Muds at St Lucia’s Volcanic Mud Bath (Sulphur Springs, St Lucia)

QUESTION: Have your adventures taken you to a natural mud bath?

Mention @JustWanderMaya and hashtag your photo with #JustWanderWithUs

Port Excursion

Land and Sea Adventure

More Info

Weather: Mostly Cloudy
Temp: 84°F
Sunrise: 5:53am
Sunset: 6:16pm

Our port excursion we were stick-in-the-muds in St Lucia with Carnival Sailing with their Land & Sea Adventure. Looking forward to visiting the World's Only Drive-In Volcano and soaking in mud bath experience. This mud detoxifies the body and helps heal sun burns, eczema, arthritis, sore joints, and more.

The vendor picked us up at a location exiting the cruise port security.

Then hopped on their catamaran for a scenic rugged coast line. Here are the backdrops of St. Lucia's iconic Pitons.

The catamaran docks at Soufriere Harbor for our land tour to visit the beautiful Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens then off to get down and dirty at the Soufrier Volcano (Sulphur Springs) by having a dip in the therapeutic dark mineral pool.

Current Sulphur Springs Price List:

There will be vendors if shopping is your thing.

1st - We soak and open up our pores in the mineral bath.

2nd - We pick a bucket containing volcanic mud and give ourselves a good exfoliating scrub.

3rd - We soak in the sun and let the mud dry. It only took a few minutes.

4th - They help create a design with darker mud. I think we look like an Avatar. I LOVE IT…!

I’m surprised that the Volcanic Mud Baths in Soufriere, St Lucia wasn’t listed on AMEX Essentials post, "There Will Be Mud: The World’s 13 Best Mud Baths.”

On This Day in History