Explore Hawaii: Hiking – A different way up Koko Head
March 10, 2016
Explore Hawaii: Hiking – Ka’au Crater
May 15, 2016
Explore Hawaii: Hiking – A different way up Koko Head
March 10, 2016
Explore Hawaii: Hiking – Ka’au Crater
May 15, 2016

Explore Hawaii: Life in Oahu - Hiking Kawa'ewa'e

QUESTION: What’s your favorite hike in Oahu?

Mention @JustWanderMaya and hashtag your photo with #JustWanderWithUs

First Time: Another great hike with Hawaii Trail and Mountain Club. We’re taking ourselves to the Windward side of the island - Friendship Garden, Kokokahi Place, Kaneohe, HI. The hike offers great views of Kane'ohe and the bay, Coconut Island (aka Gilligan's Island), Pali Notches, Stairway to Heaven, and the Mokes. Fortunately, this day's hike offered great weather of partly cloudy skies with refreshing breezes on the ridge.

In the thick of the forest now...

Spot the ant? It’s huge!

I run and scout ahead...

Getting to the open and glorious views...

From the Mokes...

to Rabbit Island...

and the Pali Notches...

Stairway to Heaven is in the clouds...

We enjoyed 1-mile hike (out & back) gaining about 659ft elevation. The hiking club continued and we backtracked.

3 hours hiking outdoors complete as we return to where we started - at the Friendship Garden.

On This Day in History