We arranged this port excursion outside of Carnival Conquest - Caribbean Cruise. It was very affordable to enjoy the day in Roatan from the scenic drive West and East through villages to visiting the wildlife sanctuaries and getting up close and personal... in this case... with White Faced Capuchin Monkeys!
We excitedly exited the ship and saw our first photo-op:
Then you'll see a group of agents holding up signs for various Carnival Cruise excursions. But if you didn't arrange an excursion through the ship or want to see what other adventures you can take in for the day, you have to exit the Mahogany Bay Cruise Center. You see, Carnival owns this whole area so you won't see competitors promoting their tours here. Veer left and at the end of the strip of shops and restaurants, you'll take a slight right towards taxi and vans. Take another left for a short uphill climb to the gate. You can ask around and people will point you in the right direction. But you will see this gate and know you're on the right track.
After this gate, you head downhill where all third-party vendors for tours are waiting.
Capuchin Monkey Factoids:
Life Span: 44 or more years in captivity.
Has a long prehensile tail.. adapted for seizing or grasping especially by wrapping around.
Occupy the wet lowland forests on Caribbean coast of Costa Rica and Panama and deciduous dry forest on the Pacific coast.
Capuchins are largely insectivorous, but have a diet broad beyond insects: fruits, flowers, invertebrates, as well as the less frequent bird eggs, bird hatchlings, nestling squirrels, and small lizards.