Port Excursion: Snorkeling the Shipwrecks (Carlisle Bay, Barbados)
April 14, 2018
Aruba Sailing and Snorkeling to the Antilla Ghost Shipwreck
April 17, 2018
Port Excursion: Snorkeling the Shipwrecks (Carlisle Bay, Barbados)
April 14, 2018
Aruba Sailing and Snorkeling to the Antilla Ghost Shipwreck
April 17, 2018

Where are your most memorable scuba dive adventures been?

Our port excursion today takes us under the sea in Curacao with The Dive Bus as we’ve scheduled a guided, single tank dive at their home reef, "Pierbaai." This dive was to refresh our skills in scuba as we’d hoped to dive at our next port stop - Aruba – that boasts the largest shipwreck in the Caribbean. Personally, I dived alittle deeper than expected at 22m / 72ft but my dive buddy kept me safe.

Port Excursion

1hr Single Tank Guided Dive at Pierbaai with The Dive Bus

Getting There

From the cruise terminal, hopped in a taxi which was a flat $25 one-way.

Getting There

From the cruise terminal, hopped in a taxi which was a flat $25 one-way.

More Info

Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 83°F
Sunrise: 6:23am
Sunset: 6:47pm

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