Sequoia Canyon National Park – Moro Rock Trail
May 15, 2021
The Gateway Restaurant (Three Rivers, CA)
May 15, 2021
Sequoia Canyon National Park – Moro Rock Trail
May 15, 2021
The Gateway Restaurant (Three Rivers, CA)
May 15, 2021

Sequoia Canyon National Park - Tharp’s Log Trail

QUESTION: If you only had one day at Kings Canyon & Sequoia National Park, what would you do or see?

Mention @JustWanderMaya and hashtag your photo with #JustWanderWithUs

We had just finished our visit to the Tunnel Log and Moro Rock. Our last activity before our ending our two days in Sequoia and Kings Canyon, was a short hike to Tharp’s Log. Usually, Tharp’s Log Trail would be about 2.1mi out & back but we somehow meandered to other trails (i.e. Crescent Meadow) as to not take the same route back. Our legs may have been fatigued from the steep, 350+ step climb to Moro Rock’s observation area (…at 6,725 feet above sea level…) just a few minutes earlier because this trail is classified as Easy but to us felt longer than expected.

A pitstop at the Parker Group before parking to start our trail hike to Tharp's Log.

Crescent Meadow and Trail Views

Rare Snow Plant

"The snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea) is more admired by tourists than any other plant in California. It is red, fleshy, and watery; and looks like a gigantic asparagus shoot. The snow plant is of great interest to flower enthusiasts and photographers at all stages of its development because of its deep striking red color....very dramatic!!!" – Scenic Wonders

According to the Southern Sierra High Adventure Team, the snow plant is and edible plant of the the Yokuts Indians... cooking the stalks like asparagus... but now is a protected plant.

Found this humongous burnt tree...

And check out this split log...

Tharp's Log

"Tharp's Log is a fallen, fire-hollowed, giant redwood log and the oldest remaining pioneer cabin in Sequoia National Park. Cattleman Hale Dixon Tharp discovered Tharp's Log when Potwisha Indians first led him to Giant Forest in September 1958. In 1861, Tharp built a rustic cabin inside the 55t long by 3-6ft wide chamber which he used as a summer home while grazing cattle nearby. Naturalist John Muir met Tharp in 1875 and camped at Tharp's Log while exploring Giant Forest. Cowboy James Wolverton, who worked for Tharp and discovered General Sherman on August 7, 2879, camped frequently at Tharp's Log while herding cattle." – FamousRedwoods.com

On This Day in History