Dallas or Bust: Stroll through Memory Lane – Part 1 (Garland, Tx)
February 4, 2013
Test Drive: Brompton Folding Bike
February 27, 2013
Dallas or Bust: Stroll through Memory Lane – Part 1 (Garland, Tx)
February 4, 2013
Test Drive: Brompton Folding Bike
February 27, 2013

2013 Our First RV Show (Houston, Texas)

QUESTION: Did you do your research by attending an RV Show before buying your motorhome?

Mention @JustWanderMaya and hashtag your photo with #JustWanderWithUs

We rented a 35 ft Fleetwood Bounder from Dallas to Houston to catch our first RV Show. Lots to learn! Finally, the opportunity to visualize myself in a motorhome and answer those burning questions like: How small of an RV is too small? Is 1 slide out enough? Does it matter which way the bed faces? How much closet do we really need? How much kitchen counter top and pantry space do we need to cook in here? It's all so exciting to get answers!

What to Bring: RV Checklist Points System Form

As our First RV Show, we knew we needed a system for RV Shopping. For months we've narrowed down our preferences for our ultimate RV, so we applied a points system to each feature.

For example:
Lots of closet space = 10pts
3 Slide-outs = 10pts | 2 Slide-outs = 5pts
2010+ RV = 10pts | 2009 RV = 8pts | 2008 RV = 6pts
Bedroom Privacy: Pocket Door = 10pts | Wood Sliding Door = 5pts | Folding Accordian Door = 2pts.

Rise and Shine: LakeView RV Resort

11991 South Main Street
Houston, TX 77035

You get the picture! Coffee in hand and ready to get to the Reliant Center RV Show.

Right around the corner a bus stop to the Reliant Center.

Walking around the Reliant Center to find the RV Show...

Ready to buy our tickets for our first RV Show:

There were 2 RVs that peeked our interest:

2013 Pursuit Mirada 32DS

There were 2 RVs that peeked our interest:
Retail: $103,879 / Sale: $79,995

Photo by: RVBusiness.com

2013 Coachmen Leprechaun 319DS

Retail: $100,388 / Sale: $76,995

Photo by: Motorhome

Final Thoughts from our first RV Show?

After seeing the sale prices of our favorite RVs of 2013, all we could ask ourselves were: "How many more sleeps and savings would it take to buy this?"

Very proud of ourselves for not buying anything on our first RV show. It was so tempting! Now we had a better idea of our Realistic RV Bucketlist and could update our Buying an RV Checklist: Points System document we brought with us. Still a burning question: Buy new or is used just as good?

On This Day in History