Off Roading to the Camaro Trail (Arizona)
March 22, 2020
Off Roading: Stumbled Upon the United Oatman Mine (Arizona)
March 31, 2020
Off Roading to the Camaro Trail (Arizona)
March 22, 2020
Off Roading: Stumbled Upon the United Oatman Mine (Arizona)
March 31, 2020

Hiking: Grapevine Canyon in Search of Petroglyphs

QUESTION: What do you love about the great outdoors?

Mention @JustWanderMaya and hashtag your photo with #JustWanderWithUs


Partly Sunny in the mid-70°s


Sandy and Loose Rocky Trail


Newberry Mountain Scenery

Nature Encounters:

Our 1st Chuckwalla spotting!

We've read about the Grapevine Petroglphys and wanted to explore them on this cool, partly sunny day. The drive was only ~40min (~27mi) from home. A few hours to get some fresh air while practicing social distancing... plus, taking our hand sanitizer with us.

"...several hundred panels of petroglyphs, etched into the grey and brown rocks at the mouth of the upper section of the canyon... The rock art was created between about 1200 and 1800 AD, and reflects the cultural significance of the surrounding mountains, still considered sacred by several Southwest tribes."

Found the petroglyphs!

The colorful wildflowers are blooming nicely.

Sightings of our desert bighorn sheep are a special event and one we are still waiting for. But as you can see with the petroglphys seen here ("...rock art was created between about 1200 and 1800..."), they have been roaming the area for quite some time.

We did not climb or sit anywhere petroglyphs were exposed... only to its side

Can you spot the petroglyph of the big horn sheep?

Bill hikes down, across then back up hill to take a closer look at the alcoves.

Our first ever sighting of the common chuckwalla lizard.

Great spot for a water break and snacks. Wonderful to sit still and listen to the birds.

I was only worried a little bit about that overhang. Wouldn't want to be in that spot when that tumbles down.

On This Day in History